Main Themes

  • precautions to take to prevent violence towards healthcare professionals
  • burnout syndrom on healthcare professionals
  • the current state of healthcare associations in the world and in turkey on personnel health and safety
  • problems encountered during the implementation of occupational health and safety services in health institutions and suggestions for solutions
  • importance of administration on occupational health and safety
  • risk analysis and management in healthcare associations (hospitals, hemodialyses centers, oral and dental health centers, primary care clinics )
  • chemical, physical risk factors in healthcare associations
  • precautions in order to prevent work incidents of the hospitals personnel, and infection control,contaminated injector ends and other sharp objects in hospitals
  • occupational ilnesses of healthcare providers and their reasons
  • building an awarness towards handwashing, importnce of hygiene and safety of healthcare professionals
  • preventing violence against healthcare professionals
  • applications on occupattional health and safety in radiology units
  • the role of occupational hygiene on occupational health and safety
  • how should the plan of a emergency situation be?
  • the state of using msds by laboratory workers
  • Importance of ergonomi in preventing occupational illnesses
  • safety culture and occupational health and safety rules
  • applications of occupational health and safety in countries of the european union
  • occupational incidents their analysis through the perspective of occupational health and safety
  • occupational health and safety ın facilities
  • psychosocial risk factors in healthcare associations, and stress management
  • the role of on-site physicians on occupational health and safety programs
  • main problems and suggestions to solve them
  • occupational health and safety in assocations that enforce isg management and examinations of cost
  • ımportance of occupational responsability insurance of occupational health and safety specialists and the challenges that they face
  • Imprortance of following up on and educating healthcare professionals on occupational health and safety
  • occupational health, safety and waste management
  • applications of tecniques and protection towards patients
  • the legislation on occupational health and safety in turkey
  • signs of safety and health, and importance of placing them correctly in the healthcare industry